Anti Fraud Control

Client 25 companies
Scope Of Work 3 years
Architect Phill Sovelling

Project Detail

For brand owners, deceptive phishing scams and infectious malware attacks represent more than just a danger to their customers’ personal and financial information. These exploits are also a direct assault on revenues and profits, and represent a strategic business problem that can erode customer trust and undermine digital channel adoption.

Supreme Software Technologies Anti-Fraud enables commercial enterprises and government organizations to detect and eliminate sophisticated criminal activity, including credit card bust out fraud, money laundering, check kiting, mortgage fraud, tax fraud, tax evasion, and synthetic identity fraud.

For banking and e-commerce providers, maintaining the trust and confidence of customers and employees is critical, so providing the best possible security is paramount. Over 35 financial institutions and subsidiaries worldwide utilize smarter cybersecurity from Supreme Software Technologies to improve their online and mobile banking protection, safeguard their customers, and gain access to critical security intelligence to mitigate fraud losses. Our cloud-based, collective threat intelligence are designed to address the challenges of banking and e-commerce providers everywhere, ensuring that your customers, employees, and networks are secure.

Supreme Software Technologies Anti-Fraud enables enterprises to prevent, quickly detect, and mitigate malware and phishing attacks across a range of digital channels. By leveraging deep domain and brand protection expertise and an extensive network of industry partners, MSupreme Software Technologies is uniquely positioned to help you stay in front of fraudulent phishing and malware activity — protecting your brand, profits and customer relationships.